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Shan Liang

Shan Liang

Shan graduated from Monash University with an Honours Degree in Physiotherapy and has gained invaluable experience from observing and training in multiple private practices across Melbourne. Shan’s passion for continuously honing his clinical skills has seen him attending multiple professional development courses including movement analysis, various manual therapy based courses, spinal rehab as well as dry needling/acupuncture related postgraduate courses. Shan has a special interest in functional movement patterns (how we move, and if that is efficient and normal) and incorporates movement-based assessment into his treatments via the specialized system of Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) and Functional Movement Screening (FMS).  He has completed the Myofocus Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy course as well a more extensive training with the world renowned Sarah Hornsby. Shan is now taking his studies to the next level and is currently completing a Masters in Orofacial Pain through the University of Sydney.

With Shan's extensive understanding of pain and how this affects function, he is well equipped to help his clients find the root cause of their pain/injuries (such as neck/back pain, headache as well as pelvic/SIJ pain) so that they can be addressed more fully. Addressing root causes helps clients achieve more normal, pain-free and efficient function so they can return to doing the activities they love. Shan is also bilingual as a fluent Mandarin speaker, making him a favourite with our clients who have a preference for communicating in Mandarin.

Outside of work, Shan is a keen photographer and an eternal student who is always reading some fascinating work of non-fiction or broadening his knowledge via podcasts.

Shan looks forward to helping you achieve your clinical goals.

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